Passing Notes

In 2015, the State of Wisconsin passed 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 which created a rule requiring Promissory Notes to be negotiable, assignable, enforceable and marketable in order for them to not be considered a divestment. As a result, use of Promissory Notes as a divestment tool was essentially eliminated.

In July, the Federal Government officially informed the State that effective August 1, 2017, this policy was not allowed under federal law. This is a major development in divestment planning because Notes are extremely useful in that they are: simple, inexpensive and effective.

In order for a Promissory Note to be used correctly as a divestment tool, they must comply with the following requirements:

1) The note must have a repayment term that is actuarily sound (based on SSA life expectancy tables);
2) The note must have equal payments during term of note (no deferral or balloon); and
3) The note cannot be cancelled upon death.

If a note is done correctly, itโ€™s important to note that payments received from a promissory note are income in the month they are received. However, the value of the note itself is not counted as an available asset provided it canโ€™t be sold.

So how does a note work in real life? Take the following two examples:

Jane is a single person, 90 years old, has $100,000 of available assets, and is currently in a nursing home. She has income of $700/month of Social Security. Her nursing home bill is $9,000 per month.

Jane makes a gift of $50,000, and simultaneously borrows her son Dick $50,000 in return for a promissory note. The terms of the Note: 1.29% interest, payable in 6 equal monthly installments of $8,364.72.

Jane applies for Medicaid and is denied due to the gift, and assessed a penalty period of 179 days ($278.05/day/$50,000).

Result: Jane uses note payment and SS to cover cost during penalty period, successfully saved $50,000 cash.

Charles and Di are each 90-years old and married.

They borrow William $75,000. William signs a note at the applicable federal rate of of 1.93%, payable in 58 equal installments (there is a 4.85-year life expectancy for Di) of $1,355.39 per month.

Di applies for Medical Assistance. Amount remaining on note is unavailable, and no divestment is made, $1,355.39 per month is income which can be retained by Charles as part of his Spousal Income Allocation, assuming his other income doesnโ€™t rise to the maximum level.

As you can see, notes can save a significant amount of money if used correctly, and should be a tool utilized in many situations.

Posted in Elder Law & Special Needs Planning.